11 mins read

November Astrology Reading

Surgeons, generals and spies excel under the Scorpio sky, its that kind of depth and power which scores the early November election season every two years. When else could they be possibly held? After the first two days square involving several inner planets, the wildness and buzz calms down for a minute and we can look ahead to some of the highlights of this month.

3 mins read

Healthy Eating for Families With a Budget

When food prices increase, it can be difficult to resist the $1 burger deals that many fast food restaurants offer. Buying fast food every once in a while probably won’t hurt you and your family, but you should not make it a steady diet. It may take a little more time to make a meal rather than grabbing the cheap deals right in front of you, but you can learn to stretch your food dollars and still eat healthily.

3 mins read

Natural Home Cleaning Remedies

If you are tired of feeling guilty for using chlorine bleach, ammonia or other harsh chemicals that can damage the Earth and make you and your children sick if you are not careful, you have several options for natural home cleaning. In most cases, green cleaning products work just as well as conventional cleaners, without the as much cause for concern.