3 mins read

Why Using a Professional Power Toothbrush Makes a Difference #OralBSponsored

Before receiving the Oral-B Professional Precision 5000 as part of a blog tour with Modern Mom my family was using the least expensive battery powered toothbrushes we could find from our local grocery store. I could definitely feel and see the difference using a power toothbrush was making over a manual one. However, the Oral-B Professional not only feels 10x better than the battery powered brush I was using; it has also corrected my brushing habits.

3 mins read

Birthday Party Ideas for 10-Year-Old Girls

Like it or not, a 10-year-old girl’s birthday is the beginning of the dreaded preteen and teenage years. Boys, clothes and long phone calls will likely pepper your life with drama starting soon and into the next decade or so. If your culture includes a formal ceremony, use this birthday as an opportunity to celebrate her entrance into womanhood. The teen years won’t last long. They will soon melt into her lifelong adult years. Celebrate with style.