2 mins read

Normal Basal Body Temperature for Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy causes numerous changes in your body. Some occur early, even during the first few weeks. In addition to breast tenderness, morning sickness and a missed period, you may notice some important changes in your body temperature. Although you may not feel any warmer, a special thermometer can help you monitor your temperature closely and may indicate the presence of a fertilized egg. By keeping a close eye on your temperature, you can notice any fluctuations.

2 mins read

Adrenal Fatigue in Kids

While certain symptoms your child experiences may provide clues for a simple and quick diagnosis, vague symptoms can be harder for you to identify. Although you may have heard about individuals having an illness called adrenal fatigue, MayoClinic.com advises that the term adrenal fatigue is not a true medical diagnosis. Instead, it is a term that some health books and alternative medicine practitioners use to describe a group of nonspecific symptoms.

10 mins read

The Best and Worst Strollers

Due to a lack of research on my part and a changing family situation, I think weve spent enough money on strollers that we could have sponsored a whole village in Africa. In retrospect that would have been a much better use of our funds. Here is what I have learned, take it or leave it, but hopefully you can spend your dollars more wisely than we did. As a side note, I am not affiliated with, on the take from, or in any way connected (that Im aware of) to any of these companies.

2 mins read

Migraine Headaches & Fever

Although many people refer to all bad headaches as migraines, a migraine must meet certain criteria. While the frequency and intensity of these painful episodes vary between individuals, they often occur with specific types of symptoms. The symptoms you experience can help your doctor diagnose what type of migraines you experience. An elevation in body temperature, known as a fever, is your body’s response to illness. Although not a common situation, fever and migraine headaches may occur at the same time.