Keep Your Family Healthy: Organize Doctor’s Visits
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Keep Your Family Healthy: Organize Doctor’s Visits

When was your last checkup? If it’s been 18 months since you went to the doctor, stop putting it off! It’s easy to let “busy-ness” be the excuse for falling behind on your routine healthcare visits. But it’s also a pretty lame excuse for not taking care of the most important thing you have: your health. It’s the start of a new year, and the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Take a moment now for you and organize a few visits that will safeguard your own well being.

Sarah on “Take Care of Everyone at Once”

“The whole idea of making my children’s annual “well visit” a family affair actually happened accidentally. I had to take my two boys for a flu shot and they were so miserable that I told them I’d get one too. Nothing quite takes the tears away from a kid like seeing Mom get the same treatment (minus the cool Band-Aid). I realized afterwards that it was pure genius both from a scheduling standpoint and emotionally for the kids. I dislike going to the doctor as much as they do, so why not do it all at once? In addition to well visits, I schedule family dental appointments. Dad and I take turns corralling the kids while the other grownup is in the hot seat. Since we now do these visits together, all I have to figure out when to slot is the annual OB visit & mammogram. It sure cuts down on the complexity.”

Alicia on “one week a year”

“Going to the doctor is rarely a treat. Whether it’s hopping on the dreaded scale or changing into those horrendous gowns, it can be an exercise in stress and even embarrassment. That’s why I take one week a year and schedule every medical screening, visit, test, etc. during that week. It’s like pulling a band-aid off, the faster it’s over with, the better. I can’t say I love when that week rolls around, but it’s a great feeling when the last visit comes and I know that everything’s done for the year and I have the peace of mind that I’m on top of what matters most.”

What doctors do I need to visit on an annual basis? We’ve mapped it out for you, and if you need it, your whole family too. Go through the list today and make relevant appointments before the day gets away from you. If you’re under water with work right now, schedule visits for the summer months, when schedules tend to be a little less hectic. The good news – when you schedule your appointments far enough in advance, you will usually be able to get the coveted first appointment, before the doctor is running late.

List of appointments:
For You:
1. Physical with Family doctor/Internist
2. Check-up and Pap Smear with OB/GYN plus Mammogram if your age or family history requires
3. Skin Cancer Screening at Dermatologist
4. Eye Exam with Opthalmologist
5. Dental Exam and Cleaning. X-rays, if necessary
6. Colonoscopy, if you meet age requirements

For Him:
1. Physical with Family Doctor/Internist
2. Prostate Screening
3. Dental Exam and Cleaning. X-Rays, if necessary
4. Skin Cancer Screening at Dermatologist
5. Eye Exam with Opthalmologist

For Kids:
1. Physical with Pediatrician
2. Flu Shots
3. Dental Exam
4. Orthodontist Exam, if age and situation requires

We are the co-founders of Buttoned Up, inc (@getbuttonedup)., a company dedicated to helping stretched and stressed women get themselves organized and co-authors of Pretty Neat: The Buttoned Up Way to Get Organized and Let Go of Perfection. We welcome your thoughts! Please send ideas and questions to us at: or visit us at

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