7 mins read

Ten Financial Tips for Women Seriously Considering Divorce

1. Get informed. In order to have an idea of where you stand financially after divorce you need to figure out your financial status as a married couple. Gather all of the documents pertaining to your assets and liabilities. Each current account statement, whether it’s reporting the mortgage balance, credit card balance, Individual Retirement Account value, student loan, etc.

4 mins read

Tips for Filling Out a Job Application

The job application is more than a formality or part of office paperwork. The job application and your resume will be evaluated and you will either receive a form letter stating the company is not interested in you, or you will be selected to move onto the next round of the job selection process–the interview. In a competitive job market, the best way to make your application end up in the interview pile is to make it stand out. Standing out means it is legible, complete, concise and intriguing to the reviewer. Use the same action verbs you would use on a resume and include skills, hobbies and awards that make up your unique experience to show what you have to offer this particular company.

3 mins read

How to Stop Breastfeeding

Breast-feeding is the absolute best way to feed your baby. When the time comes to wean your baby from your breast, it can be a difficult process. However, with a few tips and tricks and a little persistence, you can get it accomplished. The goal of this article is to explore the tried and true methods for weaning the baby from the breast and stopping your own milk production.