1 min read

Police Called in Fight Between Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan

Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan got into what Nassau County police characterized as “a verbal dispute” with her mother Dina early Wednesday morning outside the family’s home in Long Island. Police arrived around 8 a.m. to the house where the 26-year-old actress grew up, but an investigation revealed “no criminality.”

5 mins read

Dear Lindsay Lohan…

Dear Lindsay, It was around the year 2001. I was flipping the TV channels in bed and accidentally stumbled upon a movie. I had always loved Dennis Quaid, so I was curious as to why I hadnt seen this particular one. There you were. Your sweet face. The Parent Trap. How charming, and lovely, and beautiful, and sweet and innocent. I remember thinking, Who is this girl? Shes such an incredible actress.

5 mins read

An Open Letter To Lindsay Lohan

Dear Lindsay, It was around the year 2001. I was flipping the TV channels in bed and accidentally stumbled upon a movie. I had always loved Dennis Quaid, so I was curious as to why I hadnt seen this particular one. There you were. Your sweet face. The Parent Trap. How charming, and lovely, and beautiful, and sweet and innocent. I remember thinking, Who is this girl? Shes such an incredible actress.

1 min read

Lindsay Hasaj Gives Birth Despite Two Wombs

Lindsay Hasaj and husband Tony were thrilled to give birth to a healthy baby girl. But this was no normal pregnancy. Lindsay has a rare anatomical one-in-a-million woman condition… a double womb, double cervix and double vagina. Lindsay went to the hospital with a pain in her abdomen and an ultrasound shocked the parents-to-be and the doctors when they discovered she had two wombs, called uterus didelphys, and was pregnant!