2 mins read

Essential Oils for Children

Essential oils are natural plant extracts that can be used in the bath, in personal care products, or to add fragrance to rooms. Aromatherapy is not just for adults, but can also be helpful for infants and children over three months of age. Use essential oils with your little one to soothe irritability, encourage sleep or foster a good mood, depending upon the oils you choose.

2 mins read

Essential Oils During Pregnancy

Essential oils can be a soothing addition to your daily routine, whether you use them as a room fragrance or in lotions, bath salts or other products. While some essential oils may be reasonably safe for use during pregnancy, others should be avoided entirely. Knowing how and when to use essential oils safely and which oils to avoid can help you to relax and feel safe in the choices you make during your pregnancy.

2 mins read

How to Toilet Train a Child With Sensory Issues

Potty training a child, who has sensory issues, can leave you feeling defeated and alone. Watching your friends’ kids beam with pride as they successfully transition from diapers to big boy underwear can be disheartening. Though it may take additional time, and you may have to try some new ideas, you can do several things to help your sensory challenged child join his peers in the “I have to go potty” club.