1 min read

But I Don’t Wanna Mama! Why Telling the Truth Benefits You

Do you ever lie to your kids because it seems easier? Do you agree with friends to avoid offending them? How about leaving things out of the conversation ON PURPOSE? Is that still considered lying, anyway? These acts are harming you, but do you know why? This article explains why telling the truth actually benefits you, even though Mama would do anything to avoid a tantrum!

2 mins read

What Are the Benefits of HGH Supplements?

Medical evidence supports that adults continue to manufacture human growth hormone after they have stopped growing in height. According to the Mayo Clinic, HGH continues to provide support to other areas of the body including tissue and organs. Since 1986, HGH has been manufactured in synthetic form, but as of 2010 it could still only be obtained through a prescription and administered through daily at-home injections just under the skin. If your doctor has recommended HGH treatment for you, he believes it will benefit you. As of 2010, the only way to administer true HGH to the body was through prescribed injections that you would be taught to do at home. Understanding what benefits you can gain through HGH supplemental treatment can help you decide whether you want to take them.