4 mins read

Why Low Fat Diets Don’t Work

Have you ever been around a pre-menopausal woman on a low fat diet? WATCH OUT! Not only will she be on edge from hunger, but her hormones will be totally out of whack! In addition she will most likely overeat carbs due to her hunger, which will in turn spike insulin production and lead to excessive weigh gain. Angry, overweight, and hormonal is no way to go through life! Seriously – woman need fat to be healthy.

3 mins read

Fat Burning Diets for Women

According to Prevention Magazine, women gain about 1.5 lb. each year in adulthood. This translates to 40 lb. by the age of 50. Combat the weight gain with a fat-burning diet that targets the female metabolism. Combined with exercise and enough rest, a fat-burning diet keeps you feeling healthier for years to come.

5 mins read

COCONUT OIL – The Fat That Makes You Thin!

Dr. Oz did a segment on the benefits of coconut oil consumption last week on his popular TV show. Finally more and more people will begin to understand and benefit from the positive research that is out there on the healing properties of coconut oil! While there is still a lot to learn, we can be happy that Dr. Oz and others are blessing this incredible life-giving energy source!

2 mins read

Beauty Tips on How to Make Hair Grow Longer & Faster

You might be able to make your hair grow longer faster by following a quality beauty regimen, eating right and avoiding unnecessary trauma to your locks, according to “Glamour Magazine” and “Marie Claire Magazine.” Hair growth speed is often genetic, but the Mayo Clinic notes you can boost your chances of lengthening your locks and increasing your mane’s body, especially through quality eating habits. Keep in mind that many over-the-counter (OTC) formulas claiming to cause hair to grow longer and faster offer inaccurate claims, according to the Mayo Clinic.

3 mins read

Low-Carb Low-Fat Diet Foods

If both low-carb and low-fat diets can be a successful way to lose weight, it would seem that combining the two–by eating only foods that are both low fat and low carb–would mean even faster weight loss. You can lose weight quickly on this kind of diet, but your food choices are quite limited., according to the Mayo Clinic. You should also take care to count the number of calories you are eating, as eating only low-carb, low-fat foods may actually leave you eating so few calories that your body goes into starvation mode, halting your weight loss.