3 mins read

Make Healthier Fast Food Choices

All of a sudden corporate giants are jumping on the health food bandwagon – touting new products as the newest discovery since sliced bread. Check out Mickey D’s new major campaign for their Real Fruit Smoothie. It’s great that you can drive-in and buy yourself a $2.29 smoothie, but buyer beware. Do you realize how many grams of sugar are in that 12 oz. drink? 42!!! That’s about 85% of your sugar intake for the day – based on daily intake of 2,000 calories. The good news is – it’s better than a soda with high fructose corn syrup, which of course, we all know should be outlawed. Don’t even get me started on “energy” bars. Here’s some helpful tips on eating fast food – because as Mickey D says “You deserve a break today”.

3 mins read

Best and Worst Holiday Foods & Drinks

The parties and family functions offer unbelievably delicious foods that make your mouth water just thinking about them! But, just because the holidays are here doesnt mean you should throw out all of your hard work throughout the year. This year, with a little self-control and knowledge about the right choices, you can avoid the holiday bulge! Here are some of the best and worst holiday foods.

3 mins read

Making Healthier Meals During Pregnancy

One of the most pressing issues for pregnant women today is diet and nutrition. With the availability of pre-processed foods and fast-food restaurants, its easy to unconsciously do harm to oneself by making poor food choices.

2 mins read

Guilt-Free Comfort Food – Chicken Parmigiana Recipe

When I think about comfort food, I usually think… heavy, fattening, deep fried, and guilty guilty guilty!!! Luckily, this recipe for chicken parmigiana is not only delicious comfort food but leaves you guilt-free. It’s a light, fresh and easy version of the classic dish, so you won’t feel bad going back for seconds!

2 mins read

6 Best Foods to Eat After Baby

Ok, new mommys, listen up! I went from weighing in at about 162 lbs at nine monthspregnant, down toweighingin at 122 lbs as of yesterday. That’s right – I lost 40 lbs of baby weight in 3.5 months (Noella will be four months old in two weeks). I have compiled a list of the 6 Best Foods to Eat After Baby. Whether your goal is to lose weight, produce more breast milk, or just plain get healthy; this list is for you!