3 mins read

How Do Children Overcome a Fear of Water?

While the water proves an enticing playground to some children, others harbor a fear of water that makes the same shallow pool seem like a dangerous place for play. If your child is aquaphobic, or has a fear of water, you can help him overcome it. By both considering the reasons behind this fear, and dedicating yourself to the task of helping him overcome it, you can transform your water-shy kid into an aqua-loving little swimmer.

5 mins read

Why We Fear Our Kids

Ok, this is weird. What mom considers being afraid of her own child a badge of honor? Me, apparently. Yesterday I took my 17-year-old son to the department of motor vehicles to get his permanent drivers license. To replace his provisional license, he needed me, plus two utility bills, to prove he was a resident of our city. All in, the chore churned through roughly two hours of valuable Mom-time, about which I did …

3 mins read

Natural Treatment for Social Anxiety in Kids

Social anxiety can be mild or severe, but it makes childhood and adolescence more difficult, preventing kids from developing into confident, connected adults. While psychiatric medications are one option, natural or non-drug therapies can also treat social anxiety and social phobia. Non-medical treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, biofeedback and relaxation techniques. Help your child or teen learn to cope with social anxiety, reduce stress and thrive.

3 mins read

How to Help Children Overcome a Fear of the Dark

Children face fears of different things at various points, usually based on the fear of the unknown. Fear of the dark is a common problem for kids. Not being able to see what is in a dark room scares the child and leaves her imagination to run wild with scary possibilities. Night time naturally brings out this fear in children, potentially causing difficulty at bedtime. Helping your child deal with her fears of the dark means a better night’s sleep for everyone involved.