2 mins read

The Best Stay-at-Home Mom Jobs

For many stay-at-home moms, working from home is the best of both worlds. Working from home allows moms to work their schedule around their children’s schedules and often eliminates the need and cost of childcare. Many stay-at-home moms want to work and contribute to their family’s income. Working from home allows them to do that. While many work-from-home job opportunities are fraudulent, there are some legitimate work-from-home opportunities. The best stay-at-home mom jobs offer tons of flexibility and an opportunity to earn a steady paycheck.

2 mins read

Good Jobs for Single Moms

Since they don’t have a constant parenting partner, working single moms must often plan their work schedules around their children’s schedules, be solely responsible for coordinating child care and be available at all times to meet the needs of their children. Jobs that allow for freedom and flexibility in scheduling, with the opportunity to earn a steady income, tend to be the best jobs for single moms.

3 mins read

Pros & Cons of Bond Funds

A bond fund–sometimes referred to as an income fund–is a type of investment that uses pooled money from a number of investors to purchase interest-bearing or dividend-producing securities. These investments include government or corporate bonds, bank certificates of deposit, preferred stock and commercial paper, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. There are significant advantages and disadvantages to investing in bond funds.