7 mins read

The 10 Best Female Fairy Tale Villains

Forget about the bad guys, we want to take a moment to recognize some of our favorite bad girls. These female villains are fierce, challenging and deliciously dark – and it’s quite captivating. While we all know that good will triumph in the end, half the fun of any story comes the powerful ladies who cast the spells, hoard the treasure and try to take over the world. So without further ado, here are 10 of our favorite fairy-tale villains: Maleficent

7 mins read

Favorite Female Fairy Tale Villains

Forget about the bad guys, we want to take a moment to recognize some of our favorite bad girls. These female villains are fierce, challenging and deliciously dark – and it’s quite captivating. While we all know that good will triumph in the end, half the fun of any story comes the powerful ladies who cast the spells, hoard the treasure and try to take over the world. So without further ado, here are 10 of our favorite fairy-tale villains: Maleficent

3 mins read

Because Y'All Know I’m Fascinated…

With the whole Tiger Woods Saga. The rise of the chosen one, the fall of the chosen one, and now, the possible resurrection. And then, yesterday, the commercial. For those of you who havent yet seen Tiger Woods new Nike commercial, check it out here, so you can participate in the chat!

4 mins read

A Woman's Monthly Period – From A Man's Perspective

Ladies, I have decided to shake things up a little. We will now have a new ANONYMOUS MALE Guest Blogger who will show up every so often on this blog. His goal is to explain to us ladies, from a mans perspective, that men too sit on the fence with many issues. I wanted him to tell us about his life as a great hands-on single dad raising three beautiful kids, and the fence issues that arise for him, but he didnt want to do it that way. Instead, he wanted to kick off post #1 with another light-hearted point of view.

3 mins read

How to Spot a Player When Dating

If you’re looking for a long-term, meaningful relationship, don’t date a player. Players offer short-lived thrills with no substance. They come on strong, get what they want and leave with little notice. Players view dating as some kind of sport, where the goal is to woo as many people as possible. Most players share some of the same characteristics and can be weeded out of your dating pool if you pay attention to a few telltale red flags.