Caltrate’s “ABCDs of Bone Health”
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Caltrate’s “ABCDs of Bone Health”

The following is a sponsored post for Caltrate

Hello! My name is Jill Alexander and I am 38 years old with two boys, one in pre-school and one in high school! I work as a personal assistant and also part-time for a non-profit. My life is busy… to say the least! If you are a mom, I know you can relate to taking care of others’ needs before your own – that’s what we do as moms!

I was recently inspired to do some research on helping keep my bones strong. I don’t always eat right or get to the gym on time, but I do my best with an erratic schedule. I know what I can do consistently – take my daily dose of Caltrate. They recently introduced a new formula with double vitamin D – more than any other brand – to help maximize calcium absorption. It has calcium and and vitamin D3 to help keep your bones strong – so when we do make it to the gym (or run that half marathon!) we have the strength in our bones to keep moving.

Along with their new formula, Caltrate has released the “ABCDs of Bone Health” to inform Americans about the importance of caring for bones and how to support bone and muscle health so we can continue to juggle the many roles in our lives.

Are you getting enough of the bone-supporting nutrients you need from the foods you eat?  Probably not. Contrary to popular belief, drinking a cup of milk every day is not adequate to get your daily requirement of calcium and vitamin D. Leading experts believe that 77% of Americans have insufficient levels of vitamin D, which increases the risk of falling and fracturing bones. 

A. Active Women Move the World

Calcium and vitamin D are important for everyone but for women especially.  As hormones change, it has a negative impact on our bones, potentially leaving us at risk for osteoporosis.  Experts maintain that a diet rich in natural sources of calcium and vitamin D is effective as long as it is in addition to a mild exercise regimen.

Gentle weightlifting, walking, and yoga are good ways to flex your muscles and build bone density. And by taking a calcium supplement like Caltrate in its new double vitamin D formula, women can get the calcium and vitamin D we need to stay active and help us juggle our many important life roles.

B. Balanced Diet

It’s really important, also, to maintain a balanced diet. But roughly 81% of adult women are not getting adequate calcium from diet alone, so their bodies steal it from their bones. Sure, we know to eat certain foods rich in calcium, but did you know that you’d have to eat A LOT of it to get adequate amounts of the bone supporting nutrients you need?

For example, you would have to eat 4 cups of boiled spinach to get your daily requirement of calcium, or 27 ounces of milk, 266 almonds, 6 pounds of broccoli, or 7 slices of processed cheese.  No one has time for that… or the stomach for that matter (I don’t even want to imagine 6 pounds of broccoli in my system at once).

Of course you should consult with your doctor before starting any new vitamin regimen or supplement, but if you and your doctor find that you need more calcium, ask her opinion on the new Caltrate with double vitamin D.  The new formulation is a great way to get the recommended amounts of bone supporting nutrients that women need.

C. Calcium

Of course, we know that calcium is essential for building and maintaining bones, muscles, and teeth. That’s why we make sure our kids are soaking it up! But what most adults don’t realize is that as we get older are ability to absorb calcium deteriorates. This means we HAVE to get adequate amounts of vitamin D because it’s necessary for calcium absorption.

Which brings us to….

D. Vitamin D

To make sure your body absorbs the calcium it needs to keep you strong and sturdy, it’s important to get adequate vitamin D.  Vitamin D is crucial because it helps the body absorb calcium to build and maintain bones and improve the health and strength of muscles.  Because vitamin D has beneficial effects on muscle strength and balance, it also helps to reduce the risk of falls.

For more information about Caltrate, calcium and vitamin D, visit the Caltrate Facebook page or

They’re great places for Caltrate information, money-saving coupons and tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Also, don’t forget to check out my video here.


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