You’ve Got to Make Time for Yourself!
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You’ve Got to Make Time for Yourself!

Summer is crazy busy. Between work, kids, activities, sports, camps and play dates, there is very little down time. I have learned over the years, however, that when I do not commit chunks of time just for me, I am more irritable and less giving. This time has become a necessity, not a luxury. I see frazzled people walking around every day. They are constantly on the go and rarely take time to decompress and rejuvenate. But, busy moms, you HAVE to make time for yourself once in a while!

Like a Car, You Need to Fill Up

Like a car that you regularly need to maintain and fill up the gas tank, if you let it go and let it drive on empty fumes, it isn’t going to go very far. As soon as the gas level gets to a quarter tank, you fill it up and it is good to go. Why not apply the same tactic to your body? As soon as your energy level drops or you are feeling burned out, you take time to fill up your tank. You do something nurturing. You ask for help or delegate. You take a rest. Do something fun. You can fill up your emotional gas tank, your physical gas tank, your spiritual gas tank, or all of the above. Your mind and body are here to support you in living your best life. It is your job however to nurture your body and mind and respect everything they do. Take a survey of how you are feeling right at this moment. Are you drained? Are you stressed? Are you grumpy and agitated? These may be the signals that it is time to decompress and fill your tank. Take some time this week to make time for yourself. Here are some tips if you don’t know where to start:

Make a Wish List

What would you like to do more of? What activities fill up your tank? Jot down whatever comes to mind. Take more walks. Listen to music. Meet friends for coffee. Purchase fresh flowers. Read a good novel. Keep this list handy so that you can grab ideas when you are feeling depleted.

Delegate or Outsource

In order to make more time for yourself, you need to be willing to delegate tasks and outsource certain activities. You cannot expect to do everything and do it well. Time is a constant that won’t change, so you need to be willing to make changes and free up some time for what really matters. Ask your kids to be more involved around the house. Ask a spouse or friend to help. Be willing to let go a little bit of control.

Avoid Procrastination

Oftentimes, procrastination leads to pent-up energy and stress. Just the act of avoiding something creates mental clutter. I’m sure you know what I mean. If you are committed to making more time for yourself, you need to tackle procrastination head on. Pick a couple tasks you are avoiding and break it up into smaller chunks. By achieving these tasks you are ultimately freeing up some time for more joy in your life.

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