2 mins read

How Long After Pregnancy Can You Get Pregnant Again?

That little bundle of snuggliness leaves you with many feelings. You are probably proud, smitten, excited, overwhelmed, tired, happy, eager and contemplative. When he first arrives, the thoughts of birth are probably lingering on your mind, but as the days pass, you may feel more ready for another. Whether you are ready immediately or not, you should know that getting pregnant can happen quickly.

5 mins read

Bladder Infection? You Don’t Need Antibiotics!

All right ladies, we all know the feeling that sense of urgency, the painful urination, sometimes worse. Bladder infections are more than just a pain in the you know what. They can be a constant source of irritation and inconvenience. They also force us take medications and supplements that are just plain bad for you. Just thinking about it makes me want to cross my legs and squint my eyes! Throw in the subsequent yeast infection that trails the bladder infection (caused by antibiotics) and youre left with a woman on the brink!

1 min read

Summertime Make-up Tips and Tricks

Summertime is sweaty and sticky, which can wreak havoc on the makeup that took you 45 minutes to apply “just so” before you left the house. Makeup is important in the summer, not just to even things out, but to keep your face protected from harmful UVA rays. This summer, pack a light makeup bag for summer time fun.