Keep Up Your Immunity for Back to School Season
It’s that time of year when kids of all ages go back to school. Whether you have kids or not, the germs spread to everyone. Unlike last year, where the press was blasting us with the scare of H1N1, some people are not as diligent this year with hand washing and hand sanitizing.
Take Care of Yourself
My point is, there is a lot of stuff going around already and it is going to ramp up. Please take care of yourselves by eating right, drinking water, washing your hands often, getting rest and, most importantly, if you don’t feel good, cancel your day (don’t work out either) and just sleep it off. You will be up and running much sooner than if you try to push yourself. I promise.
Stay Home
If you stay home because you are not feeling well, you will be rewarded by getting back in the game at 100% as well as by gaining the utmost respect and gratitude from people around you for being responsible and not potentially passing along an illness.
We Are a Community
I love the fall season because it brings with it a sense of hunkering down and getting some work done before the winter holidays and the New Year. So let’s all take care of ourselves so that we personally get to feel a sense of accomplishment by the end of December and so that we show that we are responsible to our fellow family and community members in the coming weeks and months.