High School Flashbacks
Along with back to school time comes Open House. Over the past week I have attended three open houses for elementary school, middle school, and high school. I think I have even lost a few pounds from all the walking I did to get to each child’s class. Last night was the most challenging. It was Open House at my daughters High School. I have two in high school this year and as I stood in the front of their huge school, my head started hurting thinking about how I was going to get to twelve classes to represent both of them.With their schedules in one hand and a four page map in the other, I began my quest to find their homeroom classes. I pass parents whose children went to preschool with my girls. We say the typical words we never thought we would say, “how did we ever do this”??? I was running a little late and ran to get to homeroom class before the bell rang (yes, they actually rang the bell). I didn’t make it in time so I had to walk in after the teacher had started talking. I actually broke out in a sweat. It was like having a flashback to twenty years ago. My first thought upon entering the crowded room was the same one I had as a young freshman. “Why did I wear this shirt and why didn’t I wear my hair down?” I did a quick scan of the room to decide which desk to sit in and was surprised to see that even as I am entering my forties, I could still pick out the jock, the homecoming queen, the brainiac, and the shy ones. I grabbed the closest seat, everyone staring at me as I walked in late. Every 10 minutes the bell would ring and we would have five minutes to get to the next class. When we were teenagers, 5 minutes seemed like a long time. When I was in my teens, during that break, I always had enough time to go into the bathroom and fix my scrunchie and put on my lipsmakers. Fast forward 20 years and I am huffing and puffing to get to each class. I am surprised that the kids don’t need a GPS to find their way around. I swear the high school campus is as big as the university I attended. By the time we got to the sixth period my knees hurt, I was short of breath, sweaty, and worn out. I heard one kid snicker when his mom asked how far away his next class was. He mumbled to her, “Now you see what I go through”. It is true!!!! Sometimes when I pick my daughters up from school I find myself reminiscing about those good ole easy high school days. But as I sit here with icy hot on my sore knees, I think tomorrow when I pick them up I won’t miss it as much.