Do you have the cutest baby bump ever? Are you the definition of that “pregnancy glow”? Then maybe maternity modeling is right for you. This article outlines five easy steps to becoming a maternity model. Maternity models range in stages from early pregnancy to post-partum and the nursing period. Models at any stage of pregnancy are encouraged by the industry, although the greatest demand is during the second and third trimesters. Keep in mind, however, that time is of the essence, so start reading up on how to become a maternity model now.
Is This Right for Me?
Pregnancy can be a trying time for some women. Adding a new and short-lived career is something to be carefully considered. Ask yourself if you have the time, energy and motivation to really make a run at becoming a maternity model. Modeling can be stressful, put you on your feet a lot and take up valuable baby planning time.
Look for Casting Calls
Look for open casting calls for maternity models. Check your local newspaper or favorite maternity-friendly magazines for news of open calls. These types of auditions do not require an agent, portfolio or financial investment.
Send Some Candid Shots to a Local Modeling Agency
Getting an expensive portfolio really is not necessary to break into modeling, whether you are pregnant or not. Have someone take some candid photos that you can send to agencies. Make sure to include some shots showing your belly so they can get an idea of what type of campaigns they could use you in. Often, agencies will offer to meet most people who come to their offices. If they like what they see, they will take some basic Polaroids or raw digital shots. These will be used to determine if they want to give you another look. Try emailing recent candid pictures of yourself in normal dress and hair to local and reputable modeling or talent agencies. If they like what they see, you are on your way.
Find an Agent
Although you are your own best salesperson, modeling today really requires an agent. After you find an agent who agrees to take you on, he will book calls and negotiate terms for your services. Make sure you find someone with experience in representing maternity models and who has pictures of campaigns that their maternity clients have been booked on. It is important that you sign with an agent who makes you feel comfortable. Agents can take anywhere from 5 to 20 percent of your modeling fee, depending on their services and your contract with them.
“Go Sees”
Once your agent books an appointment for you with a potential client, it is all up to you and that baby bump. At a “go see,” you will meet a photographer, clothing designer or editorial staff who will determine if they like you and want to book you. You will want to look your best and wear something simple and flattering to your maternity shape. Bring a maternity bathing suit as well so that they can see you in all your pregnancy glory. Just be “pregnancy proud” and you will be on your way. Good luck.