How to Grow Shaggy Hair
2 mins read

How to Grow Shaggy Hair

While you may have loved that shaggy hair cut initially, eventually it may be time to grow it out. Shaggy cuts range from short pixies to choppy bobs and longer shags. In all cases, the hair is cut at a variety of lengths, from quite short to somewhat longer and different sections of hair may be different lengths. Growing out uneven layers is especially frustrating, but some simple tips can reduce the awkward stage and keep your hair looking good as it grows out.

Step 1

Pick a style and set a goal. Have a finished look in mind to help you determine how to trim and shape your shaggy hair as it grows out.

Step 2

Eat well and take a daily multivitamin to help your hair grow quickly. Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to slow hair growth.

Step 3

Visit your stylist for a trim. Talk about your eventual goal, how frequently you should have your hair trimmed and ways to shape the hair to make growing a shaggy haircut out easier. Have longer layers evened out with shorter ones if your eventual goal is a blunt hairstyle.

Step 4

Choose gentle shampoos and condition hair regularly. Include deep conditioning in your hairstyling routine. Limit your use of heated appliances and apply a thermal protectant before curling or flat ironing your hair.

Step 5

Use a hair product, particularly a styling putty or texturizing paste, to make your growing out hair look intentional. Sweep long bangs to one side and emphasize choppy ends.

Step 6

Be creative with hair accessories. Pin back growing out hair with bobby pins or use a headband to keep your bangs back and out of your face. Falls and clip-in extensions can give you a long look while your own hair is still short.


  • Trim long hair in the back regularly to avoid your growing out shaggy look becoming a mullet.

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