How to Clean Restaurant Oven Hoods
2 mins read

How to Clean Restaurant Oven Hoods

Although it may seem simpler to hire a professional restaurant hood and kitchen exhaust company to clean the oven hoods in your commercial kitchen, there are a number of advantages to conducting the cleaning yourself. The expense per cleaning can save hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars. The decreased amount of money spent on do-it-yourself hood cleanings can allow you to clean the hoods, filters and duct work more frequently. The result will be a cleaner kitchen year-round and a greatly decreased chance of fires breaking out from built-up grease and food debris.

Exhaust Pans and Filters

Step 1

Turn off the pilot lights on the ovens, range tops and fryers within the cleaning area. Allow all the exhaust pans and filters within the hood to cool until they can be handled comfortably. Turn off the exhaust hood’s power, and make sure the system’s power is also disconnected at the electrical breaker box.

Step 2

Cover all surfaces near the cleaning area with plastic sheeting or rolls of oil-absorbent padding.

Step 3

Fill a large tub with hot water, and add in liquid degreaser, following the ratios recommended on the container. Put on your eye protection.

Step 4

Remove all of the grease pans and exhaust filters. Pour off excess grease into a trash-appropriate container.

Step 5

Wipe excess grease and debris out of each filter, and pan with clean paper towels. Coat all sides of each piece with spray degreaser, and use a synthetic cleaning brush to gently scrub and loosen debris. Immerse each filter and pan in the hot water tub after scrubbing. Fill a separate tub if all of the filters and pans cannot be fully covered by the water. Let the pieces soak thoroughly until the exhaust hood has been cleaned and dried.

Step 6

Remove each pan and filter from the soaking water, and rinse with a strong stream of hot water. Make certain each piece is clean. Dry completely with clean, soft towels. Replace within the cleaned exhaust hood.

Exhaust Hood

Step 1

Use a clean scrub pad soaked with hot water and a mild liquid detergent to scrub the interior and exterior of the exhaust hood.

Step 2

Use the scrub pad to gently scrub grease and debris from the piping located within the hood.

Step 3

Dampen a towel with hot water, and wipe off all soapy residue from all parts of the hood and piping. Spray each part with spray degreaser, wipe off with another warm, dampened towel, and dry completely with a clean towel. Dry the piping thoroughly to prevent rust from forming.


  • Wear eye protection during the entire cleaning procedure.

Photo Credit

  • cooking chowder image by Mat Hayward from
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