Signs of Low Iron in Pregnancy
2 mins read

Signs of Low Iron in Pregnancy

Your baby will use your red blood cells to grow and develop inside the womb. A good supply is necessary for this to happen, but if you are not taking supplements or if you don’t have enough iron stored in your bone marrow, you could develop iron-deficiency anemia. Your doctor tests your blood for anemia at your first visit and some time at the end of the second trimester or at the beginning of the third.

Dizziness or Faintness

You may find that you become dizzy or feel like fainting throughout the day. You are particularly susceptible to this feeling when standing up too quickly. However, this can also occur if you haven’t eaten enough food.


Most pregnant women will feel tired throughout their pregnancy, but extreme fatigue is a sign you don’t have enough iron. Talk to your doctor if you think your lack of energy is far from normal.

Pale Skin

Those who suffer from low-iron anemia will become much paler than usual. Look at the skin tone in your face, eyelids, nails and palms. If you are lacking pregnancy glow, you may need to increase your iron intake.

Rapid Heartbeat

Your heart will work harder if you don’t have enough iron, resulting in a faster heartbeat. Note, though, that a fast heartbeat can also be common if you are not getting as much exercise as you used to. Consider how fast your heartbeat is when you are resting. A resting heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute could signify major problems.

Labored Breathing

Breathing difficulties can be a sign of low iron, but this also occurs as the baby begins to take up more space, limiting the movement of your lungs. Ask your doctor if you are concerned.

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