Skin Care Tips For After a Bikini Wax
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Skin Care Tips For After a Bikini Wax

Many women feel more confident after getting a bikini wax, whether it’s just the area outside your bikini or the entire area. You do run the risk of getting ingrown hairs and infections, though. Taking proper care of your skin after your waxing can mean the difference between “ahhh” and “ouch.”

Soothing the Skin

After your waxing, you’re likely to feel some pain, especially if it’s your first wax. You can reduce the pain by taking some ibuprofen, which can reduce the swelling that occurs from the wax. You may also want to put a cool cloth over the area, which can also be soothing or use a lotion product specifically made for using after a bikini wax. If possible, you’ll find that you’re more comfortable wearing loose pants or a skirt without underwear for the first few hours after the wax. Tight clothes will rub against the area and irritate your skin.

Keeping It Clean

You shouldn’t take a shower or bath for the first 10 hours after your wax. After that, use only antibacterial soap to clean the area. When applying soap, use your hands or a soft washcloth. You should not use an exfoliator on the area for the first 48 hours.

Things to Avoid

There are many things you should avoid after you have a bikini wax. You should not have sex for 48 hours. Hot showers, baths and saunas are also off-limits during this time. Be aware that this area will be sensitive to the sun, so if you will be wearing a bikini that exposes areas that have never seen sunlight or if you will be tanning nude in a booth, you should take extra care to apply sunscreen to the area.

Maintaining a Bikini Wax

If you have any stray hairs that grow in before your next appointment, you can use tweezers to pull them out. After the first 48 hours, you can begin to exfoliate the skin gently, which will help to avoid ingrown hairs. You must allow your hair to grow about one-fourth inch before you get your next bikini wax. The more frequently you wax your bikini area, the less it will hurt.

Photo Credit

  • woman in a bikini image by Maria Bell from
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