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Dry & Damaged Hair Tips

It may seem like strands of dead cells stemming from your scalp, but your hair requires some attention and love. If you are rough on your hair, it will repay you with dry, damaged hair that breaks easily and leads to split ends. If you care for your hair, it will pay off with healthy luxurious locks.

Drastic Measures

If your hair has incurred massive damage, visit your local salon. Your stylist can examine your locks and cut off the split ends. Your hair will be free of all the damaged ends, and you will start your new routine with a fresh look. You will be more encouraged to keep up your healthy habits if you have a great new do. Ask your stylist to show you how to care for your hair with few tools or products. It’s time to give your hair a break. If hair coloring has added to your damage, ask your stylist to return your hair to its natural color. Enjoy the color you were meant to have.

Everyday Changes

Each day, style your hair lightly, following the instructions of your stylist. Avoid blow-drying and tugging too hard on your hair each day. If you must blow-dry, use a cool temperature and blast only the healthy base of each hair, rather than the damaged ends. Untangle your hair with your fingers or a soft brush if necessary. Cover your hair with hats and caps to protect it from damaging elements such as crisp, windy air and chlorinated water. Wash your hair whenever you come in contact with harsh ingredients such as chlorine. Moisturize with conditioner every day. Enjoy warm showers or baths, rather than scorching hot ones. If you enjoy really hot water, switch the water to a cooler temperature before wetting your hair. Let your body work for you. Eat a healthy diet, full of vitamins B and C, that will encourage your hair to grow and be strong.

A Little Extra TLC

While at the salon, treat your hair to a deep conditioning treatment that can replenish some of the moisture that you’ve stripped from your hair. Invest in a moisturizing shampoo that won’t strip your hair of its natural oils. Use a rich conditioner once a week or two to quench your parched hair cuticles. Replace your pillowcase with a soft silk one that won’t damage your ends.

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