Dry Hair Tips
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Dry Hair Tips

Do your locks crave moisture and thirst for a soothing sip of water? In their zeal to produce clean, polished hair, many women inadvertently dehydrate their hair, transforming their supple strands into parched patches of hair. If your hair seems to be crying out for some moisture, take strides to feed your hair and restore it to its former glory.

Limit Your Washing

Although washing your hair regularly is necessary to avoid that greasy, dirty look, keep in mind that each time your douse your locks with shampoo your strip them of their natural moisture. If you struggle incessantly with dry hair, wash your hair as infrequently as possible. Particularly during the winter months, you can skip daily washes and opt instead for washing your hair every second or third day to maintain your mane.

Stick With Soft Bristles

Soft-bristled brushes are gentler than their hard-bristled counterparts. Additionally, these brushes are better able to pull oils from your scalp down your locks, naturally moisturizing your tresses. Trade your brush for one of these soft-bristled options, and your hair will likely become gradually more moisturized.

Steer Clear of Alcohol

Although you would clearly never dump alcohol on your hair, you are likely unknowingly dosing your do with alcohol through the use of styling products. Many products contain alcohol because the ingredient speeds drying time. Check the ingredients in your favorite hair products, and ditch those products that contain alcohol to add life to your locks.

Oil It Up

Although it may seem counterintuitive to place oil on your freshly washed tresses, doing so can help moisturize a dried-out head of hair. Before styling your hair, place one or two small drops of olive or coconut oil on your palm. Distribute the oil evenly between your hands by rubbing them together. Run your hands through your hair, focusing most of your attention on the tips where moisture is likely most needed. Style your hair as normal after your gentle oil therapy.

Top Your Locks

The sun is a major hair-drying culprit. Commonly, the harsh rays beat down on your tender locks and leach moisture from them. To avoid this preventable sun damage, top your head with a hat before you head out into the harsh sun for some outdoor fun.

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