Fun Date Night At-Home Ideas
2 mins read

Fun Date Night At-Home Ideas

Spending time alone with your honey is an important part of your relationship, but the cost of regular dates can be too much for your finances. If you need to save money, try having a date night at home. Send the kids over to grandma’s house so that you can get some alone time.

Cooking Together

Cooking together can be a great way to spend the time, and it is something you may not get to do often because of your schedules. Instead of making your usual favorites, set out to try a new recipe–but have the pizza delivery number handy, just in case. You could also bake cookies or cupcakes and later give them out to friends or neighbors.


Sharing a meal together is characteristic of any date, but you can approach this in a different way on your home date. You could stick with the traditional candlelit dinner, served at your dining table, but you could also opt for something a bit more fun, such as a picnic in your backyard or on your living room floor or “breakfast for dinner” in bed.


The easy choice for a date night at home is to rent a movie. Challenge your partner to a game. You could choose a popular game from your childhood or simply pick a game that uses a deck of cards. Up the stakes by making bets about who wins.

Theme Night

If you’re going to watch a movie, you can increase the fun factor by creating a theme night. For example, you could make an Italian meal to eat while enjoying a “Sopranos” marathon. If you want to go all-out, plan costumes to wear for the event as well.

Snuggling, Dreaming and Planning

Spend some time dreaming together about the future that you want to have. You might imagine what your children will be like when they grow up, design the house that you want to buy or plan what you’d do with your lottery winnings. Do this while snuggling in front of a fire, out in the backyard or in your bed.


With the house empty, you can feel free to get a bit more creative about the type of sex that you’re having. Try having sex in a different room or spice things up with some role playing. Instead of ending the night with sex, try starting it with sex. Web MD reports that doing this can make you more physically receptive and emotionally available throughout the rest of the date.

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  • couple on sofa with glasses of wine image by david hughes from
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