How to Use Foods to Make Hair Grow Fast
Whether you got a haircut that you don’t like or you simply want to grow your hair longer, waiting for hair to grow can be a lot like waiting for water to boil. The more anxious you are, the slower it seems to go. There are certain foods you can eat, however, to help speed your hair growth.
Step 1
Eat a balanced diet. Hair can stop growing, can thin and can even fall out if your body is deficient in nutrients. Making sure that you eat enough healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals will help keep your hair healthy and promote its growth.
Step 2
Eat carrots and leafy green vegetables. Yellow and leafy green foods contain beta-carotene, which is essential to hair health. If you are not a salad fan, you can still incorporate plenty of green leafy foods to your daily diet. Cooked spinach and lettuce on sandwiches will provide beta-carotene and help your hair grow.
Step 3
Eat lean red meat twice a week to make your hair grow quickly. According to Ladies Home Journal, eating protein foods including lean beef will give your hair the health it needs to grow. You can also find protein in eggs, soy products and dairy products.
Step 4
Incorporate fish to your weekly menu. Salmon, tilapia, tuna and other types of fish will give your hair the omega-3 acids it needs to maintain its healthy shine. In addition, by keeping your hair healthy, you promote its growth.
Step 5
Take multivitamins. Though most of your hair-growing support will come from eating healthy meals and snacks, you can also take a daily multivitamin to be sure that you aren’t depriving your hair of important nutrients. The B complex vitamins are especially helpful to hair growth, according to Ladies Home Journal.
Photo Credit
- long hair lady image by Kathy Burns from