How to Get the Man You Love
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How to Get the Man You Love

When you are in love with someone, you want to do everything you can to get him to love you, too. This can be a big challenge, as it’s difficult to capture the heart of someone who isn’t interested. If there is a chance that he could be interested, though, he may just need a push in the right direction. You don’t have to resort to games or trickery to get the man you love.

Step 1

Ask him to help you with something. Dr. Paul Dobransky, author of “The Secret Psychology of Why We Fall in Love,” says that men are a natural when it comes to nurturing. If you’re too independent, he will feel that you don’t need him. This isn’t to say that you need to appear completely helpless, but asking him to reach something up high or help you lift something that’s too heavy could help.

Step 2

Look into his eyes when talking. Tracey Cox, author of “Superflirt,” states that couples in love look at each other 75 percent of the time. If you keep your eyes on him when you’re talking, you can trick his brain into thinking that he might be in love with you, since the last time he got so much eye contact, he was in love.

Step 3

Make him feel comfortable around you. As people get more deeply involved in a relationship, they begin to let their guards down. You no longer feel the need to maintain the illusion that you look “put together” all the time. To make him feel more comfortable around you, show him some of your natural side–the way that you look in the morning or with wet hair after a shower, for example. You can also buy some of the things that he likes–his favorite brand of chips or beer–to keep at your home.

Step 4

Compliment him often. Everyone likes to hear good things about themselves. Give him natural compliments that don’t sound forced. Don’t just say that he’s sexy–say that he looks great in those pants. You can also compliment him by telling good stories about him to others.

Step 5

Be there at the right time. Dr. Alon Gratch, author of “If Men Could Talk,” says that, in many cases, the man simply has to be ready to be in a relationship if you want it to really work. If you are the person who is there when he is ready to settle down, it’s much easier to get him.

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