Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women
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Causes of Low Sex Drive in Women

The ideal “magic number” of times a woman should engage in sexual activity with herself or a partner each week just doesn’t exist, according to the Mayo Clinic. But when an adult woman feels little to no sexual desire, she might have lost her sex drive due to a psychological or physical medical condition. Most women can safely engage in sexual activity even while pregnant, but if they’ve lost interest in this natural behavior, it might be time to consider exactly what has caused a reduced sex drive.


About 40 percent of women suffer from a low sex drive during some point in their lives, according to the Mayo Clinic. But around 5 to 15 percent of women suffer from recurring problems with a lowered libido.


A lack of desire for sex clinically defines a low sex drive, according to the Mayo Clinic. But some women naturally desire sex more than others, so determining if your lack of interest in sex is natural or part of an underlying psychological or physical condition can be hard to determine. If you suddenly lose interest in sex, you might have a low sex drive and consider seeking medical attention if the problem bothers you or your partner.

Potential Causes

Medications can hamper a previously healthy libido, especially antidepressants and blood pressure remedies, according to MSN Health. Major life changes such as moving or surgery can also at least temporarily cause a low sex drive. Natural aspects of life as a woman, such as pregnancy and menopause, can also cause decreased sexual interest. Potentially serious illnesses, such as arthritis or diabetes, can also sap that sexual energy.


Some cases of decreased sex drive are preventable, according to MSN Health. Avoiding excessive use of alcohol and drugs is important for all aspects of feminine health, including the libido. Also, tired women are more likely to suffer from sexual aversion; getting plenty of rest can help restore those natural desires. Antidepressants like Wellbutrin and Remeron don’t cause sexual dysfunction and can help boost libido while treating psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Potential At-Home Treatments

Kegel exercises can help restore lost sexual interest, according to the Mayo Clinic. A woman tightens her pelvic floor muscles as if she were stopping urine mid-stream and then releases those muscles. This exercise, repeated several times throughout the day, can help promote sexual health and vigor. Exercising regularly, reducing stress through techniques like meditation and even smiling more can greatly help restore a seemingly lost sex drive.

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