Family game nights are a part of the routine in many homes. With pizza, dessert and a houseful of laughs, games provide a medium for family bonding and sometimes the gateway to critical family conversations. If you need something new to play or are tiring of your old game options, work with your family to create a game all your own.
Kids love to be the star of the show. Bring each of your children and your family members to the forefront by making and playing a game just for you. Personalized games celebrate the joy and power of your little, or big, family. The game, no matter the type, helps family members get to know one another better, as you ask questions about each other’s preferences, goals and desires.
Get All Involved
Let everyone take part in the creation of the game. If everyone plays a part in making the game, everyone will later enjoy playing the game. Ask older grade school, junior high and high school students to help you come up with the concept of the game, whether it’s a dice game where pieces move around the board or an active game that requires actions and guesses. Older kids can put together materials for the game. Younger kids can help you name different parts of the game, even if the names don’t always make sense. Younger kids should also be allowed to decorate cards, boards and other materials.
The equipment you need for your game will depend on the type of game you make. Some common ingredients are a board, die or dice, tokens, markers, cards and a timer. Some of these you may have sitting around the house, while others may need to be purchased from a craft, hardware or discount store. Pull out your family’s favorite craft supplies to decorate the game. Don’t forget a storage container. Shirt boxes and shoe boxes work well. Otherwise, you may try a structured bag, gift box or plastic container.
If your family has a game that you don’t play much anymore, consider revamping it just for your family. Stickers and labels can help you rename certain sections to reflect your family. Use the tokens, markers and dice for your family game. If you don’t have a game like this, try a thrift store or garage sale for a cheap game. Covering the board from that game may be easier than creating your own.
Name the game after your family. As your family travels through the board, they might take a journey through your family history, from the places the parents met and married and the times when the children were born. If your game has certain cards or stations, you can name them after the kids or pets. Let each child decorate his particular section of the game.
Photo Credit
- chess board image by timur1970 from