How to Improve Your Sex Life
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How to Improve Your Sex Life

Many women find that sex loses its spark at times. According to the state of Georgia’s health information website, Georgia Health Information, about 4 in 10 women experience a loss of interest in sex. In addition to a loss of libido, other circumstances can make you long for a more fulfilling sex life. You may find that revving up your sex life requires some time, but it is well worth the effort. Satisfaction in this area can promote intimacy with your spouse.

Step 1

Understand your body. The Mayo Clinic advises that this knowledge can improve healthy sexual responses. Experiment to find out what makes you feel good and what sexual activities you enjoy. Your doctor can help you understand how life changes, such as pregnancy, aging, illnesses and menopause can affect your sex life.

Step 2

Get your body in better shape. The Mayo Clinic suggests losing weight and exercising to boost your health and your sex life. Stop smoking and eat a diet comprised of healthy foods. A lean, healthy physique can make you feel attractive and improve your confidence.

Step 3

Strengthen your love muscles. Known as Kegel exercises, pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscles that provide pleasurable sexual sensations. Perform these exercises by tightening the pelvic muscles that stop the flow of urine. Practice this exercise while you are at your desk, driving down the road or eating. Hold the muscles tight for about five seconds and release, repeating several times each day.

Step 4

Focus on your relationship. Parenting, work and other responsibilities can get in the way of a healthy sex life. Make intimacy a priority by finding time to reconnect with your husband. Go out on dates and have fun. Pull out your calendar and set up some date nights. Look forward to these times as an opportunity to forget about your other responsibilities and strengthen your relationship and your love life.

Step 5

Talk about your sex life. Many couples avoid discussing their intimate activities. Communicate your desires and dislikes. Openly discuss this important aspect of your relationship, allowing your conversations to open the doors to enjoyable activities.

Step 6

Get creative with your sex life. Many couples find that they fall in a rut. According to “Woman’s Day Magazine,” boredom can cause a long-term relationship to fizzle. Take sex out of the bedroom and experiment with different locations and times. Boost your enjoyment with intimate items, such as sex toys or romantic books and movies that put you in the mood for romping in the hay.

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