Family Games for All Ages
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Family Games for All Ages

If you’re looking for an exciting, cost-effective way to bond with your family, plan a family game night. Offer your family healthy, kid-friendly refreshments, such as pretzels, apple juice and animal cookies. Prepare for game night by coming up with activities everyone can enjoy–from the youngest member of your family to the oldest.

Simon Says

Whether young in age or young-at-heart, the game Simon Says is a family-friendly game that can spark laughter and excitement among all family members. A traditional game, typically played by elementary school children, Simon Says, helps children learn the importance of paying attention and following directions.

Play the game by selecting a family member to act as “Simon.” Simon should give directions to the group such as “touch your head,” “spin around,” or “sing your ABCs.” While participants may be tempted to perform each action shouted at them, they should only perform actions if they begin with, “Simon says.”

Smile Toss

If you want to see big smiles plastered across your family members’ faces, try the game “Smile Toss.” Play this game by sitting in an area large enough for family members to see each other and see each others’ faces.

Select one person as the “Smile Tosser.” It’s this person’s goal to make everyone in the group smile by smiling big and making funny faces. Participants should sit with a straight face and avoid smiling or laughing to win the game. The Smile Tosser can even pass his smiling duties to another member of the family by wiping off his smile and throwing it in the new Smile Tosser’s direction. Education, an resource website for parents, suggests setting a time limit on how long a Smile Tosser keeps his duties.

Family members will surely get a few laughs in during this game and be left with big smiles on their faces, whether they win or lose the game.


Split family members into two teams. Don’t forget to include the little ones. Family Education, a website for families, suggests gathering supplies to prepare for a game of family charades. You’ll need a stopwatch, index cards, pen and paper.

Use the index cards to write names, places, phrases and things family members have to act out. Use the front of the card for one item, and the back for another to save paper. Create the cards in advance, or as Family Education suggests, have each team create cards for the other team.

Decide which team goes first, have one team member select a card and then set the time. The team member has to act out what’s listed on her card and her team has to guess the correct answer before the timer runs out. Set the timer on 45 seconds to 60 seconds.

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