Next time you find yourself stuck indoors with your children, don’t turn to the television or computer to keep them occupied. Take advantage of a rainy or snowy day and bond with your children by playing games. You can pick activities that have an educational angle or keep things strictly for fun. Indoor games are also a great way to keep children busy during an indoor party.
Before you start playing a game, make sure you have set aside a specific area of your home for it. Clear off the kitchen or dining room table for a board game, or move furniture to the side for games that will have you and the children on their feet. Make sure you set aside time at the end of game playing so that the children can clean up the area.
Learning Games
Children often learn better when they have fun doing it. Turn the next day off from school into a secretly educational day by playing games that incorporate a child’s school subjects. Help children learn to spell by playing word scrambles or even Hangman. You can also read together, taking turns trying out your silliest voices. Turn math into a game by timing how quickly a child can complete his multiplication tables or solve several arithmetic problems.
Party Games
Plan several games in advance of your child’s next indoor party. Classic group games meant to be played indoors include musical chairs, charades and bingo. If you have multiple children, you may not even need to throw a party to play these games. Spend a day making bingo cards or coming up with ideas for charades with children and you’ll be ready to play the next time a rainy day strikes.
Everyday Games
Turn everyday activities into games for children. Set a timer when children set the table or help you clean up after meals. If they complete the task before the timer buzzes, give them a sticker for an achievement chart. Once their charts are full, award them small prizes such as a dinner out or some candy. You can also draw a game board of the chores children need to complete daily. The first child around the game board wins and gets a small prize.
Keep the size of your home in mind when you plan games. If you have a small space, you may not be able to play games that require a lot of movement. You may also not want to bring in a lot of board games if storage is at a premium in your house. If that’s the case, consider buying items that you can use to play several games, such a deck of cards. Games that don’t require any materials will work well, too.
Photo Credit
- Chess Board image by Hedgehog from