Our Kid’s Education Doesn’t Stop When the Bell Rings
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Our Kid’s Education Doesn’t Stop When the Bell Rings

Time flies so fast. I have been out of school for 10+ years and still get back to school jitters. I have children who are now in school.
I learn so much from watching my kids learn and grow. At each stage of their journey, you both gain and lose something. My son is definitely not a baby anymore; he suddenly transitioned into a little boy. While I miss my little mushy baby, I adore the little man now standing before me with his unique vernacular. With his backpack ready to take on the world, I’m already wondering where the past 4 years went. As he heads off to school, I pray and wonder, how can I help? How can I guide him? Sometimes I feel so lost in how to direct him to his next steps.

High Standards

Educational standards for our children only seem to keep rising and there seems to be added pressure on children to perform these days. I worry whether my kids will be able to “keep up”, if the upped pace of school will burn them out and whether they will maintain their creative play and nature. I, for one, do not want my children to be walking robots but, rather, well-rounded individuals. It often feels like we reversed Einstein’s belief in that knowledge is now more important than imagination.

To Trust or Question the Educational System?

Maybe I just need to be schooled on the topic but as a parent you learn to both trust and question what the general direction of the educational system is. I trust that my son’s school will place him with the teacher who will best understand him and maximize his potential. Yet I have heard friends being able to target exactly when they or their child lost interest in school. How can we ensure this doesn’t happen and that our child is not left behind?

Teacher’s Pet

For the lucky ones, teachers inspire them to be all they can be. Teachers have so much power and influence over our children and can leave lasting impressions. I pray that my kids find that one special teacher who they will always remember and who will go that extra mile no matter the costs for their students, like Hillary Swank in Freedom Writers.

Teaching is such a thankless profession, yet so personal! Teachers cultivate our children and can make or break them. They spend almost as much time with our kids as we do and shape our children’s future selves. The best we can do is support our children’s educators and keep pace.

Lifelong Learning

While your kid may be waiting for the school clock to wind down, our children’s learning does not end with the school day – if anything, that’s where it begins. Sure we help with homework and reinforce what they are being taught, but we also teach them about life and how to integrate the “school subjects” with who they are as a person. Education is a lifelong journey.

Our Little Einsteins’ school experience is just the beginning to shaping who they are and who they will be, with each day presenting precious fleeting moments to shape their minds. Before you know it, they’ll be graduates, off on their own and shaping the way of the world.

In the meantime, I’ll be sure to hit the books and rest well knowing that although my children may not be branded “Einsteins” they will always be my little geniuses!!

About the Author

Cynthia Litman is a working modern mom with a classic twist. She has two delicious children and is the spiritual and visionary guide of Mommas Pearls. Mommas Pearls provides insight and support to other everyday busy parents. Cynthia is also an entertainment lawyer with a niche in spiritual entertainment. Her firm Cynthia R. Litman, Esq., PLLC caters to the spiritual entertainment market. She is a founding partner of The Spiritual Cinema Circle (www.spiritualcinemacircle.com), a DVD club for spiritual films, Executive Producer of the Independent films “Lost In Sunshine” and “Boost”, production attorney for “Conversations With God” (film based upon the books by Neale Donald Walsch) and distribution attorney for Debbie Ford’s documentary film “The Shadow Effect” and Nicole Clark’s documentary film “Cover Girl Culture”. Cynthia is a contributing writer for the online magazine Bella Life and a Lifestyle expert for Skimbaco Lifestyle.

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