Jennifer Garner Sets a Healthy Example for Her Girls
1 min read

Jennifer Garner Sets a Healthy Example for Her Girls

Jennifer Garner believes that setting a healthy example will help her daughters stay healthy as they get older.

“I think if your kids see you exercising they’ll grow up exercising,” she says in a recent interview with iVillage.

“They’ll assume that it’s always part of life; If they think it feels good to move your body, they’ll want to do it as they get older.”

Jennifer tries to get in a workout every morning, and when the girls ask where she was, she makes sure to tell them, “I was just working out, it’s important for me.”

Daughters Violet, 4, and Seraphina, 19 months, also sit down to a dinner table full of healthy options.

“My big thing with vegetables lately is, ‘How many colors are you going to eat tonight?’” Jennifer says. “Choose your colors.”

Way to keep your family healthy, Jennifer!

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