Myths About Morning Sickness
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Myths About Morning Sickness

Pregnancy is wrought with old wives’ tales. Whether they are culturally driven or stem from patterns within a family, these myths persist and can sometimes be frustrating to those currently enduring the symptoms of pregnancy, such as morning sickness. Although they are designed to benefit the pregnant one, these wives’ tales can sometimes be a burden, especially when they aren’t true.

It’s In The Morning

The biggest myth about morning sickness lives on in its name. Before they get pregnant or have known many pregnant women, many women might be tempted to believe that morning sickness only persists in the early hours of the day. As the day progresses, they might believe, symptoms improve. Unfortunately, this is not true. Morning sickness can happen during any part of the day and may more regularly persist at other times in the day for some women. You may have “morning” sickness, but you may as easily have “afternoon” or “evening” sickness. You can also have “all day long” sickness. No matter what time of day it happens, this nausea and dizziness is called “morning” sickness — maybe to give hope to those who haven’t experienced it yet.

It Can Hurt The Baby

If it’s your first pregnancy or your first bout of morning sickness, you may be fearing that this horrible unsettling feeling is bad for your baby. Fortunately, although the churning may feel nearby the baby in the stomach, generally morning sickness does not hurt the baby. In fact, you may be happy to know that in some ways, it’s good for the baby. This awful feeling makes you careful of what you eat, avoiding anything too smelly, raw or suspicious. This keeps you from anything potentially harmful. It also makes you slow down, giving you and your baby the rest you need. Even if you have vomited, if you can remain hydrated and well-nourished, your baby will be fine. However, if you are unable to keep any food or liquids down, you should see a doctor. Dehydration or malnourishment is unhealthy for you and for your baby.

It Doesn’t Last Long

For many women, morning sickness starts to let up around the beginning of the second trimester or the 12th week. This is a comforting thought for those in the midst of the nausea. However, for many women, this is not the case. Many women experience morning sickness well into their second trimester and throughout the pregnancy. If you are one of these women, you may feel like something is wrong, as the morning sickness should have ended. Don’t worry. As unfortunate as it is, morning sickness throughout the pregnancy is typical for many women.

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