Bad Hair Days Hurt Women's Self-Esteem and Wallet
1 min read

Bad Hair Days Hurt Women's Self-Esteem and Wallet

A bad hair day (not to mention a bad hair cut) can make a woman feel way down in the dumps. 

Findings from a new national survey show that bad hair days are serious bad news, reports the USA Today. The poll showed that 44% of women say their mood has been affected by a bad hair day. Twenty-six percent have cried after getting a haircut, and 30% have regretted a style change. So women, you aren't alone. 

The poll also found that women spend loads of money on their hair (no doubt in attempt to avoid those bad days!).  Women get their hair cut an average of five times a year or about every ten weeks. This adds up to an average of $39 a cut before tip. And coloring?! That's another average $260 a year for women who dye their locks (about half the women polled!). Keep in mind that this doesn't include shampoo, styling products, and the whole host of other items required to keep your mane looking lovely. 

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