I haven’t written a blog on here in awhile, mainly because my life has been so busy. Busy, but good busy. The year 2010 has proven to be one filled with change for my family and I. So I am going to focus on CHANGE for this blog.
Just last week, one of my brothers graduated from college. It was a very exciting and proud moment for him and the family. His life will now change. Instead of bunking in a dorm room with his college buddies, he will pay rent for his very own apartment with the money that he makes from his very first grownup job. He has decided to work and live in his college town, which will be a change for all of us.
My other brother will be graduating from high school this month. And his life too will change. He will move on away from his high school friends to college and begin his studies and make new friends. This will set the direction for the rest of his life.
Back in March, my sister gave birth to her second daughter. An unexpected change, but nonetheless a miraculous one. Babies are always miracles in my eyes. And now this bundle of joy, along with my other niece, stirs up a desire for children of my own in the near future.
And for me, I have been planning my 2010 wedding for over a year now, with a few short months remaining. This is by far the biggest change I will be making in my life so far. I have mixed feelings, mostly of course of love and excitement. But this change in my life means changing my last name, and somewhat my identity. I am becoming a new person, a new woman. I will have new and different responsibilities and plans for my life, our life. And God willing, that will include children.
And through this all, I have seen a change in the rocks of our family: Our parents. They have remained calm, cool, and collected, and have somehow been able to give the right amount of attention to all of their children and grandchildren. And for them, I am grateful.
So, to end, I would like to share some quotes on change. Change is inevitable, but should be embraced, as it is essential for growth. Enjoy!
“Change always comes bearing gifts.”—Price Pritchett
“If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.”—Unknown
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”—Unknown
“Change is inevitable . . . adapting to change is unavoidable, it’s how you do it that sets you together or apart.”—William Ngwako Maphoto
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.”—Maya Angelou