Brooke Shields on Why Motherhood Makes Her Feel Normal
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Brooke Shields on Why Motherhood Makes Her Feel Normal

Actress Brooke Shields opens up in the December/January issue of Cookie about raising two young girls and embracing the mundane – sleep deprivation, school drop-off, and even My Little Pony marathons.

Here’s a more from the interview on newsstands now:

On balancing Lipstick Jungle and being a mom… “I had this trainer once who said to always do two out of the three: eat well, rest, and exercise. These days it’s more like ‘Which one out of the three can I do?’”

On how she’s learned from her famously intense and tumultuous relationship with her own mom… “I feel like there’s a reason I had girls. My mom and I were very, very, very close, but we had no separation. My daughters are teaching me that it’s okay to have boundaries, that they want them.”

On her recent epiphany while sitting in her daughter’s school chapel… “I watched the children file in quietly. I was in a seat another mom had saved for me – like in high school! – and Rowan’s eyes lit up when she saw me sneaking a wave. She kept checking for me. I was just another mom sharing the experience and I thought, ‘Wow, it took having a child for me to feel like I belong, that I’m normal.’ It was pretty profound.”

On why she readily sacrifices sleep and Spinning class for moments like the one in the chapel, when she can sink into the background and simply be a mom… “I’m a larger-than-life thing. I’m the reason the paparazzi take their [her daughters’] pictures. When my girls are on their own, and their little personalities come out, I feel so good.”

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