My Daughters Letter to Santa
Dear Santa,
I would like a Barbie hair cutting & styling thing (one that doesn’t have a body), a video game, a dog toy and a doggie with wheels.
I love you Santa because you give me things.
Love your friend,
So thankful that “Santa” paid attention this year; whew! I wanted to get her styling head and now I’ll have to do that because it brings a bit more of a magical Christmas. However, we’ve already bought her a V-Tech video game; a dog toy (fur real puppy) and the doggie with wheels.
That’s the irony of it all…
Whenever we go to the Dojo (Karate school) Alexis always plays with this simple dog that you pull around by a string. I never quite understood the fascination with it as it’s geared towards much younger children. So when I bought her Barbie remote control car at Toys ‘r Us I also happened to have ordered the same dog for her.
My mom thought it was strange, for obvious reasons, and I explained to her what I’ve already mentioned here. I just had ‘that Mommy gut feeling’ she really wanted one of her own although she has never asked. In fact, I didn’t even know she wanted it so much until her teacher sent home her letter to Santa… today.
And now I’m patting myself on the back for being so observant as I let out a huge, “WHEW!”
I just hope she likes all of the other, much more expensive gifts, that I got her LOL I’ll let you know after Christmas…