1 min read

Jessica Alba’s Prenatal Exercise Workout Revealed

Pregnancy isn’t stopping Jessica Alba from exercising!

With help from master trainer Yumi Lee, the soon-to-be mom-of-two has redesigned her workout to accommodate her pregnancy.

“I have Jessica doing exercises to keep her core strong and work on her balance,” Yumi tells InStyle.com. “We do curls using a stability ball, single leg balance movements and compound moves like squat thrusters.”

But, according to Yumi, Jessica’s favorite exercise is a simple plank using a stability ball, which helps improve muscle tone and balance.

If you’re interested in doing prenatal exercises, there are some things to consider: “Monitor your heart rate and body temperature and be careful when attempting moves that focus on the back, or involve twisting,” advises Yumi.

As Hollywood celeb mommies know, exercising while pregnant will help you get back to your pre-pregnancy body faster.

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