Make Valentine’s Day decorations to spruce up your home or office for the holiday. Homemade Valentine’s Day decorations can add to a festive or romantic atmosphere in any room of your home or for a party. Include your children in making some of the decorations to spend extra time together. Many children learn from crafts and enjoy craft-time, which typically makes handmade holiday decoration projects a pleasure for all involved.
Garland of Hearts
Step 1
Draw large hearts on construction paper, cardstock, fabric or a combination of the three with a pencil. Each heart should be the same size for a balanced look. Or, alternate between two or three different sizes. Use a stencil or trace the first heart to ensure they are the same sizes.
Step 2
Cut out the hearts. Use craft scissors if you want decorative edges.
Step 3
Decorate the hearts with stickers, glitter or layers of decorative paper and fabric cut into smaller hearts. Add any embellishments you desire, such as spelling out a message on the hearts.
Step 4
Punch small holes on both sides of the heart, or cut two small slits if you don’t have a hole puncher.
Step 5
Thread a long piece of string through the holes in the hearts, with the strings going behind the hearts and coming out of the front. Tie a knot on the front side of the hearts so each heart stays in place.
Step 6
Hang the heart garland above your bed, over the fireplace, behind the couch or wrap it around a tree, lamp, staircase railing or other area in your home.
Heart Flowers
Step 1
Poke a small hole near the pointed bottom of each craft foam heart shape with a push pin or craft knife. Use five, six or seven hearts per “flower.”
Step 2
Decorate the heart-shaped petals with glitter, pictures, faux gemstones or any other embellishments you wish to add. Use the petals to spell out a message if you want to surprise your love with a bouquet of flowers and Valentine’s Day message.
Step 3
Slide the craft foam hearts onto a lollipop stick under the sucker. If you want a more grownup version, use chopsticks, wooden dowels or 24-gauge wire as makeshift stems.
Step 4
Fan out the hearts so they resemble the petals of flowers. Place the flowers in vases around your home for decoration.