Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Hubby: “He’s perfectly happy to stay at home and put the baby to bed.”
Motherhood is wonderful, isn’t it? It can be the best thing and the hardest thing in the world, however, if or when you have to go back to work after giving birth to your little darling.
Lucky mama Sarah Michelle Gellar faces the same problem now. She’s been cast as Bridget Cafferty in the new CW drama “Ringer”–which she’s thrilled about since she hasn’t been on TV for over ten years!–but at the same time, getting back to business means time away from her 22-month-old daughter Charlotte Grace with hubby Freddy Prinze, Jr.
“[Freddie’s] great, he loves it,” Gellar, 34, told PEOPLE on Wednesday about Freddie supporting her latest career move. “He’s perfectly happy to stay at home and put the baby to bed.”
“I didn’t realize how much I miss the atmosphere until I started back,” Gellar said, referring to her long-time stint as the starring role on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.
“There’s something about television…seeing the same people everyday, looking forward to the scripts–I’m loving it more than I thought I was going to.”
This may be true, but motherhood has changed her forever in that she’ll always count her baby girl as her first priority.
“I want to be able to go home at night and see my daughter,” she explained. “I want to be there for her first day of school and her school recital. Television offers me that–they’re amazing at working around schedules. All of the big milestones I’m there for.”