4 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

When you have decided to get pregnant, the last thing you want to hear is that your man is having problems with his low sperm count. It will now take months longer than typical to get pregnant and the tensions in your relationship may begin to rise as the result of extra tensions. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies available to increase sperm count, thus limiting your wait to get pregnant.

1 min read

How to Naturally Cure a Hangover

Did you enjoy one too many glasses of green beer? If you’re feeling the effects of St. Patrick’s Day this morning, here are a few tips on how to naturally cure a hangover. Rehydrate The most important thing is rehydrate your body properly. Drink lots of water, or if you prefer you can drink lots of fruit juice (natural fruit juice mind you). The best juices to drink are cranberry, grape, apple and orange juice (the extra boost of Vitamin C will also help). Avoid sodas or any diet drinks, this will just dehydrate your body more.

3 mins read

Natural Wrinkle Reducers

Natural and organic beauty products are quite a hit among female consumers, says the American Academy of Dermatology, or AAD. The prospect of reducing wrinkles naturally without cosmetic treatments or harsh, irritating ingredients may be appealing; however, the AAD stresses the “all natural” products may not be as natural as you think. Moreover, the best way to naturally avoid fine lines and wrinkles is to take steps to prevent them.

3 mins read

Natural Dog Odor Removers

Dog owners have long battled the problem of lingering pet odors in their home. While you might keep your pooch bathed and groomed, accidents and built-up odors over time still tend to leave behind that telltale dog scent. Help keep your home pet-odor free by using natural products that won’t harm your pet or the environment.