2 mins read

Healthy School Snack Suggestions

Healthy snacks fuel school kids to keep them energized and focused at school. Many prepackaged convenience foods for kids lack nutritional value or add extra fat and calories. Many nutritious, homemade school snacks are easy to prepare the night before, saving you time in the morning. Check on the snack policies in the classroom as many schools restrict things like peanuts that could cause an allergic reaction in other students.

6 mins read

How To Be a Superstar Nanny!

As a Classic Nanny, care and safety of the children is your primary responsibility. From safety to stimulation, manners to mud pies, you are responsible for it all! Your family is trusting you to be there for them and they are trusting that you are going to give your all during your working hours. Following are additional suggestions that will enable you to be a Superstar Nanny: Avoid last minute cancellations- The family is depending on you. If you cancel, the parents must cancel and rearrange their plans.

3 mins read

Are you one HOT Mama? Keeping it Cool During Pregnancy!

When the heat is on during the hottest days of summer, you may feel like you are going to spontaneously combust at any moment. Dont worry, that hardly ever happens 🙂 During pregnancy your body is hard at work. Your metabolism is kicked into high gear, and so you are more likely to feel the effects of summer heat. The reality is that you are more likely to perspire heavily, as your body tries to keep you and your baby cool.

2 mins read

Good Gifts for Grieving Kids

A loss of a friend or family member leaves kids grieving, even if they aren’t sure how to express that grief. There is no way to take away the pain, but when you offer love, support and comfort, it gives a grieving child a feeling of safety and security. A gift is an option for showing the child you care. Certain gifts might also be beneficial for the child as she works through the grieving process.