3 mins read

Pregnancy and Sinus Pain

According to Lisa Rodriguez, R.N., contributing writer for the Dr. Spock website, sinus pain and infection are common pregnancy ailments. The hormones responsible for vaginal swelling also cause the lining of nasal passages and sinus cavities to swell, a condition called sinusitis. Increased swelling prevents nasal passages from draining properly, and this back-up of fluid can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. The result is a painful sinus infection.

3 mins read

Signs of Hypertension During Pregnancy

Simple hypertension in pregnancy, also known as gestational hypertension, is not an unusual complication of pregnancy. Gestational hypertension is merely an elevation in blood pressure that needs to be monitored, but in some cases it can develop into a more serious condition known as pregnancy-induced hypertension. It’s important to be on the lookout for signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension, as it can often be a precursor to a life-threatening pregnancy complication known as preeclampsia.