4 mins read

How to Calculate the Economic Value of College Degrees

Put simply, calculating the economic value of any particular college degree is difficult. The factors that can affect such a calculation are almost innumerable. However, there are a few considerations that should take precedence in making this determination. Without any further adieu, here they are: The Institution The institution from which the degree is earned…

5 mins read

Finding My Way In An Economic Downturn

By Guest Blogger, Tamara Arbeiter I was recently laid off from my job. The Record of Employment I just received in the mail stated Economic reasons for my departure. As company policy goes, I was asked to leave immediately. Comforted only by the fact that a handful of very senior executives were also laid off that day, I packed up my desk, grabbed my kids photos and artwork and left, without time for goodbyes.

5 mins read

Harvard and Other Elite Schools End Test Optional Applications: What You Need to Know

In a move that has rekindled discussions about the role of standardized tests in college admissions, Harvard University has recently announced that it will reintroduce SAT and ACT scores as a requirement for its application process. This decision marks a significant shift from the temporary test-optional policies adopted by many institutions during the pandemic. Understandably,…