5 mins read

Back To School Must-Haves 2019

It’s almost that time - Back To School! Parents are rejoicing while kids are not. But most agree that BTS shopping is always fun. We found some items we thought could help with the multitude of choices out there! Kids need to bring laptops to school more and more these days and they are expensive!…

7 mins read

For Parents of Kids on the Autism Spectrum

A funny story… But, it is really a story that only a part of a child on the autism spectrum can really relate to and understand. What’s the story? My son likes to put lotion on his hands. (He inherited my issue of dry hands.). He likes a certain brand. He keeps a few small…

5 mins read

Pregnancy and Your Skin

For about 15 + years I have religiously been going to see Dayle Breault, the famous Goddess of Skin for my facials. (I say facials, but its so much more then just that.) Her treatments are a whole facial experience like nothing you have ever had before!!!

2 mins read

Bladder Pressure During Pregnancy

While pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, it is also a time of various physical discomforts. Along with morning sickness, backaches and heartburn, you may experience pressure on your bladder. Although bladder pressure is a common occurrence during pregnancy, certain symptoms may signal the presence of a urinary tract infection.