7 mins read

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas + What She REALLY Doesn’t Want

Mothers truly embody dedication, working tirelessly around the clock without breaks, sick days, or pay. According to Investopedia, stay-at-home moms might log an average of 98 hours per week, equivalent to an annual salary of $178,000 if they were compensated for their extensive roles. And let's be fair, most of us, I think, would be…

15 mins read

ModernMom’s Guidelines for Our Valued Content Contributors

At Modern Mom, our core values revolve around leaving a positive impact on the world, treating others as we'd like to be treated, and serving as role models for our children, nurturing the next generation to become exceptional individuals. We welcome you as part of our valued and vibrant community of thoughtful, brilliant content creators.…

4 mins read

How To Network And Increase Your Social Capital

The current economic climate is having a significant impact on women. The industries hardest hit by furloughs and layoffs – hospitality & tourism, education, and service jobs, were staffed predominately by women.  Many of whom are working moms, supporting multi-generational family members while balancing work and motherhood. For all of us, navigating this challenging economic…