4 mins read

Can a Television Break Up a Couple?!

I loathe having a television in our bedroom. I don’t like to watch TV before falling asleep. I like to read. My bed partner, however, loves watching TV before bed and claims that he can’t fall asleep without it. That’s a hot steamy pile of turd, because on the few times when he didn’t watch TV, and instead read, he was out like a light in less than 10 minutes.

1 min read

How to Help an Autistic Child Sleep

Children with autism are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders than neurotypical children. According to WebMD, 40 to 80 percent of children with autism have difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality or early waking times. Poor sleep can lead to increased behavioral difficulties, poor learning performance, irritability, depression and aggression. Helping your child sleep well can allow him to reach his full potential and help you to get the rest you critically need to parent him.